Saturday, July 28, 2012


Let's all just take a second and look at this gif.

Have you processed it? Wait maybe you need to see it again.

Now have you all processed the fact that Michelle Obama, our First Lady, is dancing on iCarly. I have never seen this episode and don't have a clue why Michelle Obama is dancing...if you have a explanation for this please tell me. 

I know that probably had nothing to with something I did today, but in all honesty I did nothing today. I stayed on Tumblr most of the time. And I ran across that gif up there. Tumblr has now become an addiction. It has come to the point were I don't want to move because that means I have to leave my laptop. Sad, I know. And I miss breakfast because of Tumblr. I most likely don't eat breakfast until 12 or 2pm, I miss a meal. If you ever get a Tumblr I advise you to try and NOT get addicted. Which is probably not possible.

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