Saturday, July 28, 2012


Let's all just take a second and look at this gif.

Have you processed it? Wait maybe you need to see it again.

Now have you all processed the fact that Michelle Obama, our First Lady, is dancing on iCarly. I have never seen this episode and don't have a clue why Michelle Obama is dancing...if you have a explanation for this please tell me. 

I know that probably had nothing to with something I did today, but in all honesty I did nothing today. I stayed on Tumblr most of the time. And I ran across that gif up there. Tumblr has now become an addiction. It has come to the point were I don't want to move because that means I have to leave my laptop. Sad, I know. And I miss breakfast because of Tumblr. I most likely don't eat breakfast until 12 or 2pm, I miss a meal. If you ever get a Tumblr I advise you to try and NOT get addicted. Which is probably not possible.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Oh mah banana-flippin-turtle-lovin`-biscuits! I had the best cupcakes in this world.
Everyday me and my mom plan at least one thing to do everyday so we won't be stuck in the house the whole summer. And today we thought lets go get some desert! So I looked up a place where they served cupcakes, and we ended up going to this place called Polkadots. It's a small kind of hole in the wall place.
We had gotten seven cupcakes and they were the best cupcakes I have EVER had! The carrot cake was the best one. Just thinkin` about it makes me melt.
If you ever want some good melt in the mouth cupcakes go to Polkadots. That stuff is what's up. (I shouldn't say that, it sounded stupid.)

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I got really really lazy. But I shall step up my A game.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man

I saw The Amazing Spider Man today. It was a good movie, not better than the first but good. The only think that really annoyed me with this movie was the casting. They were all supposed to be high school students (well at least the main character) but they all looked like they were 27 or in their late twenties. Most of the characters did not look the part. Andrew Garfield played as Peter Parker. Peter Parker is supposed to be this wimpy looking awkward dude. But this Peter Parker could've been a jock. He was very tall and well built. Let me just show a picture.

Okay so maybe the first picture makes him look dorky, but the second picture shows what I was saying. Doesn't he look like he could possibly play a jock in a movie?

His acting was extraordinary. He did play a good awkward dorky weird Spider-Man/Peter Parker. You could tell that his acting really stood out.

The original Peter Parker was Tobey Maguire, and he looks like a complete dork.
 What doesn't shout dorky about this. And he looks really young. Well young enough to be in school.
Andrew's acting was most likely better than Tobey's, but maybe that's because of the way the script was written.

One person who I think would've been a good Peter Parker/ Spider Man is Logan Lerman.

It was originally rumored that Logan Lerman was going to play Spider Man. I'm not sure if he auditioned and never made it, but he said he was willing to play it. I don't think his acting would've met up to the needs of this one, because Andrew's acting was just really good.
Overall it was pretty good movie, the plot and everything else was really good. I suggest you see this movie.

(Wow, I sound like a movie critic)

Monday, July 23, 2012

One Direction

So I've decided that I'm actually going to post on here. I'm a total beast running two blogs. (Not really) It'll be different from my tumblr blog. But you can always check out that blog too. *hint hint*
About a few hours ago I hung out with my friend, Lindsey. And over the few hours I hung with her I realized that she was a huge ,major, crazy, obsessed, dedicated, fan of One Direction. Every time I pronounced Niall's name wrong I was responded with a nice, "gentle" fist to my shoulder. She has a instagram covered with Niall and One Direction. Just in case you didn't know Neal *clears throat* I mean Niall is in One Direction.
Lindsey tried explaining me who each of the band members were. I really flunked at that. I got Louis and Liam confused all the time. The only two people I could actually point out are Zayn and Neal, I mean ,Niall, whatever. Zayn has color to his skin, and Niall  is the blonde boy that laughs at everything. When I mean everything I mean everything. Louis, Liam, and Harry. Haha, Harry. Harry is hairy, and he has a hairy hair style. Anyways, Louis, Liam, and Harry all look a like. One of them looks like Justin Bieber and the other is a complete goofball. Harry is just well, Hairy. Hehe see what I did there?
I'm not a fan of One Direction. There hit song "What Makes You Beautiful" is alright. It's kind of cheesy to me. But the reason I'm probably not a One Direction fan is because of all the crazy obsessed Directioners. I don't think I can ever be that obsessed with something. I mean, yeah, sure I'll like somebody's music or something. But never stalk their every doing, it's creepy. I don't want to know what Joe Jonas or Harry Styles is eating at this very second. Or where they are and what they are doing.
Luckily, my friend, Lindsey is not like that. Hopefully. But she is a Directioner ,and I can handle her level of fandomness. It's handle-able, at times, when she isn't trying to kill me because I said one of 1D's name's wrong.