Monday, August 6, 2012

Band Camp

Now instead of my daily life consisted of tumblr, I have a new schedule that fills up my time. And I mean all of it. Band camp, sounds like fun doesn't it? I'm absolutely sure it's fun to march out in one hundred degree weather for four hours, while carrying a five to ten pound instrument. Oh the joy! Fortunately I didn't have do any of this stuff since I'm in the Pit. (The Pit is the people you see in the front of the marching band that are standing and don't march at all. They just play percussion.)  I get to stay in a air conditioned room all day, but that's no fun either. I stand most of the time and sometimes the room gets really really cold.

You probably think percussion is easy. To any of you people that play an instrument besides percussion, and think all we do is bang on a keyboard with sticks, you are all wrong. It's waaaay harder than it looks. There's a certain way you have to hit the keyboard, and it has to come back up at a certain height. You can only use your wrists when stroking down, you never use your arms. And if you don't have good hand eye coordination it's freaking hard. And as soon as you hit that keyboard with the stick you better pop your wrists back up as fast as you can, or else they'll make you do it over again. Plus it sounds horrible.

I used to think that playing percussion was easy and they were lucky that they get to have easy music but that has all changed. There is nothing easy about percussion. After playing so long a practicing you get blisters on your hand and you have to push through. And you mostly likely have thee instruments to deal with at once.

Do not underestimate the Pit.

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